Pasteur? Congratulations – you fooled everyone.

Mainstream medicine believes that virtually all illness is caused by germs or genetic hereditary weakness (as well as deformities and trauma injuries). Their solution and strategy is to have us believe that there are over 10,000 different diseases and that each of these diseases requires outside intervention from pharmaceutical drugs and surgeries. Continue reading

Rambling Thoughts of a Grieving Mother

You can think you know who you are, and that you’re putting ‘out there’ the “you” that you want the world to see, but God knows you better. He knows me better too. And things are going to turn out how God wants them to, not you, and that’s just the way it is. Continue reading

Serrapeptase: One Natural Miracle Enzyme

Inflammation is the number one reason that an individual consults any health care practitioner. Arthritis, gastritis, colitis, dermatitis, nephritis, neuritis and cystitis are just some of the common inflammatory conditions that bring people to their doctors every day. If the doctor’s diagnosis ends in the four letters, “itis”, by definition, inflammation is involved. Continue reading

Health & Strength, Through Oxygen

A sick or diseased body often cannot make use of oxygen efficiently through inhaling it either normally through our lungs or artificially through oxygen tubes because, in most cases, our bodies don’t have the necessary biological carriers (minerals, nutrients, blood factors) available due to our poor food supply. As a result the oxidation process (digestion) in the body falls short. Acute, chronic and incurable ills result. Fasting, if done, would help because it allows the oxidation of diseased matter. But fasting is limited as oxygen cannot oxidize all disease causing impurities or foreign matter, such as toxins quickly enough. We would starve before the whole process was completed. HOMOZON and Oxygen Therapies are a convenient and inexpensive alternative to increasing one’s oxygen levels and thereby dissipating the symptoms of dis-ease. Continue reading